Tuesday, June 28, 2011

How 'bout that...

I don't really know how to explain where I am at right now. It's the strangest thing: I have days where I go without thinking about her at all. It's awesome. When I do think about her, I feel nothing. Nothing at all. No pain. No bitterness. Nothing. She is not even a blip on my radar. It's freeing. I don't forgive her, but I wonder after seeing how much happier and better I am without her, if I am done resenting her. I know I deserve great things in my future, and I will get them.


  1. I remember these days all too well. The first night I didn't have a dream about him. The first week I didn't think about him at all. To be honest, for me, a lot of it was from him leaving. It is like his spirit left this wonderful place and it became a better place and it was easier for me to relax.

    Just wait until the day when you are like "I was married?" THAT Is an odd one. Of course you were married like 3 times longer than me... so it might not happen... Who knows.

    SO GLAD you are doing well friend! I thought of you today!

  2. Woo hoo! Yeah, you do. And yes, you will!

    - Andi
