Friday, April 29, 2011

Ding dong, the witch is dead...

May 14th she leaves my city.

I feel like having a party.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

It's the little things...

Good. Get the fuck out of my city.

I count this as a little victory for me. Sure, I'll be leaving, too. But let's graph the magnitude of our moves. You are moving to a piss-ant college town. Me. I'm moving to a city that thrives on arts. I'm like Charlie Sheen in this bitch. By that, I don't mean a drug-addicted, mysogenistic, abusive asshole. No. I just mean I am winning. I hope you find the happiness you desire in your turd of a town.

Wow. I guess that was nice of me. I wished her happiness. Hmm. I impressed myself. Do I mean it? I'll save that nugget of knowledge for me.